Зарубежный опыт торговли
3 декабря 2008, 00:00 3724 просмотра

Wal-Mart launches green jobs council

Wal-Mart has established a partnership with many of its leading sustainability suppliers to facilitate the creation of green jobs in the US. The Wal-Mart Green Jobs Council is comprised of representatives from throughout the retailer's divisions, including store operations, real estate, logistics and sustainability, and representatives from suppliers across a variety of industries. "We believe that creating green jobs is essential to keeping the United States competitive in the global marketplace," said Leslie Dach, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations for Wal-Mart. "At Wal-Mart we believe that by bringing these companies together and working collaboratively we can help develop a larger green job workforce in this country."


Теги: wal-mart launches
Статья относится к тематикам: Зарубежный опыт торговли, Общеотраслевое
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Wal-Mart launches green jobs council

Wal-Mart has established a partnership with many of its leading sustainability suppliers to facilitate the creation of green jobs in the US. The Wal-Mart Green Jobs Council is comprised of representatives from throughout the retailer's divisions, including store operations, real estate, logistics and sustainability, and representatives from suppliers across a variety of industries. "We believe that creating green jobs is essential to keeping the United States competitive in the global marketplace," said Leslie Dach, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Government Relations for Wal-Mart. "At Wal-Mart we believe that by bringing these companies together and working collaboratively we can help develop a larger green job workforce in this country."


wal-mart, launchesWal-Mart launches green jobs council
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