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Wal-Mart launches private labels in India
Wal-Mart has launched several of its global private labels in India, through joint venture Bharti-Wal-Mart. As per unconfirmed reports in the local media, the company is facing opposition against registering its flagship brand Great Value (GV). Bharti-Wal-Mart spokesperson said: "Wal-Mart has registered Great Value in various countries including India and we aggressively protect it as our intellectual property. Currently, Wal-Mart is not aware of any opposition to our GV brand but, if necessary, we will take necessary steps to protect it."
In 2008, Bharti-Wal-Mart filed about a dozen applications to trademark Great Value's logo: GV in a circle emblazoned with 'Great Quality. Low Prices'. "The applications were in various categories including baby food, dental wax, dried fruits, jellies and jam, bleaching preparation, soap, cosmetics, hair lotions and others," according to information provided by the trademark office. Most of those applications are being opposed as per trademark office's website. It takes about two years for India's Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks to scan and process any application before they are put in the public domain. Any kind of opposition to a trademark application can be made within four months from the day the trademark office makes any application public, trademark lawyers say. Bharti-Wal-Mart's applications were made public late last year and most of its applications are being opposed.

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