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Wal-Mart announces name of Indian wholesale joint venture
Bharti Wal-Mart Private (Bharti Wal-Mart), have announced that its Indian self-service wholesale stores will be named BestPrice Modern Wholesale. The joint venture between Bharti Enterprises and Wal-Mart Stores for wholesale, Business to Business, cash & carry and back-end supply chain management operations is scheduled to open in Punjab 2009, membership registration for BestPrice Modern Wholesale stores by business owners has begun and 50,000 to 65,000 business owners are expected to take up membership. Offering the advantage of best fixed and fair prices with unmatched convenience, choice, quality and hygiene, the stores will be open exclusively to business owners, not end-consumers. The BestPrice Modern Wholesale store will be a one-stop shop that meets the day-to-day needs of traders, restaurant owners, hoteliers, caterers, fruit and vegetable resellers, kiranas, other retail store owners, offices and institutions.

О том, как управлять коллективом, создающим и запускающим по 200 новинок в год.