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Tesco to focus on international expansion
UK-based retailer Tesco is to become much more international over the next 10 years, Chief Executive Sir Terry Leahy said in an interview with The Telegraph. "We will be much more international. We will be in more countries. We will be a bigger business in services like telecommunications, digital industries and banking. Most of all we will do our business around our customers using Clubcard." He pointed to China as one market which will see the most rapid growth of Tesco’s business.
Александр Злобин, Magic burger: «К 2028 году планируем нарастить сеть до 400 заведений»
За 5 лет региональная сеть выросла до 13 кафе, запустила собственное пищевое производство и планирует продавать франшизу.