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REWE Billa and SPAR Romania fined by Competition Council
As reported by Piata, Rewe-owned Billa and SPAR Romania have been fined by the Competition Council ROL2,149,689 (USD849,256) and ROL256,229 (USD101,225) respectively. The two companies have provided inaccurate information in a district investigation concerning the food products trade. These sums represent 0.2% of their turnover in 2007. According to the Council, the sanctioned companies provided incorrect data regarding the absence in their commercial contracts of a client stipulation. This article constrains the supplier to offer the retailer the best price on the market for the contracted goods. “The impact of this stipulation on the market represents one of the important elements of the Council’s investigation, together with the impact of shelf prices and the horizontal and vertical relations in this sector,” asserted officials from the Competition Council.

Елена Нефедовская, ГК «Командор»: «Дискаунтер должен стать понятным»
О реконцепции дискаунтеров «Хороший», автоматизации в гипермаркетах «Аллея» и работе с поставщиками.