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Phones 4u cuts high-level management jobs

UK mobile phone specialist Phones 4u is cutting a number of high-level management positions this week as its restructures its senior team, Mobile Today reported. Senior company sources said that the retailer had made two of its three divisional directors redundant and laid off ten regional managers. The move, part of a review of Phones 4u's field structure, has also seen the company's 25 operating areas slimmed down to 15. High ranking Phones 4u figures claimed that, of the divisional MDs, Chris Yates (formerly central division) and Andy Beresford (western division) have been removed from the business, while Ronnie Wilson (southern division) has been appointed as Phones 4u's Deputy Sales Director. However, Phones 4u said that “no announcements had yet been made” regarding which individuals had been affected by the review of its field structure, nor who had been appointed as Deputy Sales Director.



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