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Auchan faces administrative suits in Russia
In Russia, Auchan is to face 11 administrative suits in Sverdlovsk region. The public prosecution authorities of Yekaterinburg’s Verkh-Isetskiy district carried out an inspection of two Yekaterinburg-based Auchan stores. The chain could be accused of numerous violations of drink sales legislation as well as sanitary regulations and laws pertaining to the sales of some other items. The authorities also found out that a number of Auchan’s employees with foreign citizenship violated their terms of residence in the Russian Federation, which resulted in three more administrative suits. The company’s CEO received a number of warnings, while Sverdlovsk Region Minister for Trade, Catering, and Service was sent a report on the inspection results and was asked to impose greater control over Auchan.

О рынке оптического ритейла, стратегии и развитии сети, онлайн-продажах очков и многом другом.