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Auchan expands private labels to include biscuits and sweets
French retailer Auchan has expanded its range of Auchan private labels to include biscuits and sweets. Auchan currently offers 640 products under its own brand in Russia and in 2008, private labels accounted for around 10% of sales by volume. In 2009 the retailer is likely to launch up 500 new private label SKUs in Russia. The prices of its private labels are between 15 and 30% lower than branded goods. Auchan's private labels in Russia include Don Gusto for pasta, Krepost for alcohol, Lakomo for dairy products, Bon Coffee, Bebilon children's products and Grayadka Udachi, tinned fruit.

О том, как управлять коллективом, создающим и запускающим по 200 новинок в год.